Hysterosalpingo-Foam Sonography (HyFoSy)


  Known risk factors for tubal blockage e.g. endometriosis, history of pelvic infection, history of pelvic or abdominal surgeries.

The Procedure:

  No anaesthesia is required. If you are worried about pain, you may take 2 tablets of paracetamol an hour before the procedure;
  A transvaginal ultrasound scan of the pelvis is performed to examine the pelvic organs including the uterus and the ovaries;
  A speculum is passed into the vagina, followed by cleansing of the vagina and the cervix with antiseptic solution;
  A small catheter is inserted through the cervix into the womb;
  Sterile normal saline is instilled into the cavity of the womb to check for intra-cavitary lesions such as endometrial polyp or submucosal fibroid;
  The contrast Foam is instilled in order to visualize the fallopian tubes;
  Ultrasound examination is performed during instillation of normal saline and the contrast Foam.

Benefits of  Procedure:

  Diagnostic value: Identification of tubal blockage, exclusion of uterine anomalies;
  No therapeutic value.

Risks and complications (may include, but are not limited to the following):

  It may cause abdominal cramps, vaginal spotting and vaginal discharge after the procedure. Most of these discomforts are short-lasting;
  Pelvic infection and uterine perforation are serious but rare complications (<1%).

After the procedure:

  The vaginal spotting may last for a few days. 


  Hysterosalpingogram (HSG);
  Laparoscopy with chromotubation.

Follow up:

  Further surgery may be required if there is tubal blockage. 

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