Gynecological Examination

Examination Item

Basic Health Assessment:

  Measure body weight
  BMI calculation
  Blood pressure measurement

Suggested Check-up Schedule

Every two years for women at or under age 39. Every year for women at age 40 or above.

If there is any abnormal result from the basic health assessment, you should seek further treatment.

Examination Item

Cervical Smear

Suggested Check-up Schedule

Women who have ever had sexual experience should have regular cervical cancer screening every year for 2 consecutive years. If both results are normal, they can have the tests done every 1 to 3 years.

If you have an abnormal test result, your doctor will advise you on the appropriate treatment and frequency of monitoring. If you experience abnormal vaginal bleeding, you should seek medical consultation even if you are not due for a routine medical appointment.

Examination Item

Breast Examination:

  Self-breast examination
  Breast ultrasound scan

Suggested Check-up Schedule

Self-breast examination every month, starting from age 20.

Consider mammography and breast ultrasound scan every 1-2 years, starting from age 40.

Breast ultrasound scan and/or mammography may be advised by your doctor if you have sign or symptom, or family history of breast disease.

Examination Item

Pelvic ultrasound scan 

Suggested Check-up Schedule

It’s always a good idea to discuss your check-up schedule with your healthcare provider. 

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