Indication(s):   Infertility;  Known risk factors for tubal blockage e.g. endometriosis, history of pelvic infection, history of pelvic or abdominal surgeries. The Procedure:   No anaesthesia is required. If you are worried about pain, you may take 2 tablets of paracetamol an hour before the proc...
Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a potentially serious complication of fertility treatment, particularly of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). It happens when excessive response develops after ovarian stimulation, especially with gonadotrophin hormone injections. Overstimulated ovaries enlarg...
What is Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver which causes damage to the liver cells and impairs liver function. Acute Hepatitis B Acute Hepatitis B infection refers to a short-term infection. Symptoms include loss of appetite, feeling sick, nausea, tiredness, general aches and ...
Background Zika virus, a single stranded RNA virus, is transmitted primarily through infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Zika virus can also be transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected partner or from mother to fetus during pregnancy. Clinical features of Zika virus infection The incubati...